Slides and Video for my talk on XMPP+Plone at Plone Conf 2012
javascript backbone.js xmpp PloneConf2012 strophe.js ploneThe video of the talk I gave at in Arnhem at the 2012 Plone Conf has been uploaded to Youtube. Check it out if you are interested in integrating XMPP with Plone.
Thanks a lot to the person who uploaded this video! After seeing Cillian de Roiste spending much of his free time uploading the videos of the Munich Plone Konf, I realise how much effort this is!
Follow-up info on XMPP-stuff after the conf
In the talk, I mention collaborative editing and showed demos of it (with TinyMCE). Unfortunately soon afterwards I came upon a significant flaw in the current approach. If you are interested in the collaborative editing possibilities for Plone, please read Collaborative editing of HTML with TinyMCE not going to happen soon.
Also since this talk, I’ve been quite busy improving to get it production ready. I’ve made an initial release to Pypi, which was actually supposed to be a 0.1 alpha release (but which I messed up somehow). Please consider to still be alpha software and not yet production ready! The most notable issue at the moment is poor support for having multiple tabs open. I’m aware of this and will work on a solution soon. Update: Fixed in the latest release:
I’m also in the process of extracting the Javascript files from and putting them in their own repository, called converse.js. The idea behind this is to completely decouple the JS from Plone and in doing so allow one to implement/deploy something like for other non-Plone backends.
That’s it for now. Thanks for the support and encouragement from everyone in the Plone community. You guys rock!
Hello, I'm JC Brand, software developer and consultant.
I have decades of experience working with open source software, for governments, small startups and large corporates.
I created and maintain Converse, a popular XMPP chat client.
I can help you integrate chat and instant messaging features into your website or intranet.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like to connect.